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Editing Records

Editing records, no matter what information they hold, is similar across the Platform. Click Edit on an open record to modify it.

Example Event record in edit mode, showing numbers beside different areas and buttons

1: Edit toolbar
  • Cancel: Discards any changes you made and returns to the open record.
  • Reset: Discards any changes you made and remains in Edit mode.
  • Save: Saves your changes and returns to the open record.
  • Insights: Show or hide the record insights.
2: Required fields
Fields that are required to save a record are marked with an asterisk (*). In our Event record example, the Event Title, Event Type, and Congregation are required. When you tab through a required field, the field auto-fills with the first item available in the drop-down list (except for date fields, which must be selected).
3: Related fields
Most records in MinistryPlatform directly relate to other records. In our Event record example, the Event Type, Congregation, and Location are all related records. (You can tell by the drop-down menu and pick list.) These fields will display the link icon two chains linked together once you save the record so you can quickly navigate between records.
4: Text fields
Text fields come in three forms: short, long, and rich (HTML). The only difference between short and long text fields is the size of the field. Rich fields are the only fields that support HTML.
  • Short Text: Plain text, single line.
  • Long Text: Plain text, multiple lines.
  • Rich Text: You can use HTML. See HTML Fields for more information.

Edit Family Records

There are a few ways to edit a family record. Find out which way works best for you!

Using a Tool

You can open or select a Contact record, then edit their family information using the handy Add/Edit Family tool. When you launch the tool, the information that is common across the household displays at the top.

Example of the Add/Edit Family tool showing the selected family and their current information

Below the household, information about each Contact in that household displays. You can edit any of the information available in the tool, then click Save to update the record.

Example of the Add/Edit Family tool showing the Head of House sections

Using the Tool without a Selection

You can also use the Add/Edit Family tool without opening or selecting a record.

Example showing the Households grid with no records selected and an option for the Add/Edit Family Tool in the Tools menu

Inside the tool, search using the last name for the household. The matching families display in the drop-down list as you type. Once you select a family from the list, their information displays in the tool for you to edit.

Example of the Add/Edit Family tool showing a search being performed for the Aaron family and the resulting records

Edit from an Open Record

You can locate someone in the family, open their record, and either edit the record directly or use the Add/Edit Family tool to update the family's information.

  1. In the navigation menu, click Contacts.
  2. Locate a member of the family.
  3. Click the member's name to open the Contact record.
    • Click Edit Record at the top, make your changes, then click Save.
    • From the Tools menu, select Add/Edit Family Tool, and use the tool to update the family's information.
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