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Text Messaging Subscription

Manage your text messaging subscription.


New sign-ups for Realm texting are currently disabled.

We have extended our partnership with Constant Contact to provide a SMS texting solution as an option for Realm. Click for more information.

You can export your existing Realm texting opt-in records to import into Constant Contact.

When you enable a text messaging subscription, you can make changes to it at any time. If you need to stop your subscription, you can pause it temporarily, then re-enable it when you're ready to send texts again.

You can also cancel your texting subscription. However, if you cancel, the number assigned to your church will be released at the end of the month. If you need re-subscribe to a texting plan after the end of the month has passed, your church will be assigned a new number.

Note: Text Messaging is currently not available outside of the United States.
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