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Texting Knowledge and Best Practices

Some best practices to use with text messaging.

In order to be in compliance with Twilio's messaging policy, individuals must opt in to receive text messaging. When an individual provides consent through the opt in form, this confirms that the individual wants to receive your communication in text format on a specific mobile device.

For more information on opting in and Twilio's messing policy, see Twilio support.

Why is my inbox text notification limited to 140 characters?

A normal text message contains up to 320 characters. However, if you enter unicode characters in your message, the text is limited to 140 characters.

What happens if I send a text longer than 320 characters?

If you send a text longer than 320 characters, the text is truncated at the character limit. No additional texts are sent. If the text was for an inbox notification, individuals can view the entire message in the inbox itself or the notification email if they have enabled emails in their notification settings.

Why did my text message fail to send? (30007 error)

If you send a text message that returns a 30007 error code, this means that your text was filtered and blocked by Twilio or the carrier. Filtering helps to prevent spam and fraudulent text messages, but can sometimes filter texts by mistake.

For more information on the 30007 error code, see Twilio support.

What are some things that can cause my text message to be filtered?

A text message might be mistakenly filtered due to content that contains links, words or phrases that are commonly used in spam or fraudulent text messages.

For more information on how filtering works, see Twilio support.

For more information on how to prevent your texts from being filtered, see Twilio support.

What is SMS?

SMS (Short Message Service) is the oldest and most commonly used form of mobile text messaging. SMS limits a text message to 160 characters, including the spaces.

How does Realm set up texting?

Realm partners with the company Twilio to provide text messaging services. Your church has an account with Twilio under the ACS Technologies umbrella. This means your church has a Brand, Campaign, A2p messaging limit, and an A2P 10DLC.

What is my Brand?

Your Brand tells the text carrier networks who you are as an organization. In this case, this identifies you as a church.

What is The Campaign Registry (TCR)?

The Campaign Registry (TCR) is an organization that works with text carriers and text messaging providers to register local phone numbers, such as the one your church uses for text messaging, for campaigns.

What is a Campaign?

A Campaign indicates the type of text messages an organization plans to send. In this case, your church uses texts to send notifications.

What is A2P 10DLC?

A2P 10DLC is a system that allows organizations to send Application-to-Person (A2P) type texts using standard 10-digit long code (10DLC) phone numbers. Texting carriers consider all text messages your church sends to be A2P.

The A2P 10DLC system requires all organizations to identify who they are (your Brand) and what type of texts (ie. notifications) they are sending (your Campaign).

For more information, see Twilio support.

What can be sent via A2P?

A2P messaging includes (but is not limited to):

  • marketing messages

  • appointment reminders

  • chat bots or virtual assistants

  • notifications

  • one-time passwords (OTPs) or PIN codes

For more information, see Twilio support.

What is the A2P messaging limit?

The number of A2P messages you send is measured in message segments per second (MPS). This is limited based on your Trust Score and your Campaign type.

For more information, see Twilio support.

What is a Trust Score and why is it important?

The Campaign Registry assigned your Brand a Trust Score when they registered your Campaign. This is a score ranging from from 0 to 100. A higher Trust Score gives your church a higher A2P message limit, allowing you to send more texts.

For more information on Trust Scores, see Twilio support.

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