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Realm Emails

Learn more about emails that are generated in Realm.


Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Text messaging daily usageDailyAutomatic - admin or user with permission can turn this on.A summary of how many text messages were sent that day and for the month. This also lets you know how many texts you have remaining on your plan.
Unmarked attendanceDailyAutomatic - group leaders can turn this on.A notification for when you haven't marked attendance for a group event you lead. For each event with unmarked attendance, you'll receive a separate email.
A group member has three consecutive absencesDaily Automatic - group leaders can turn this on.Group leaders are notified when a group member has missed three events in a row.
Pathway daily digestDailyAutomatic - pathway or step leaders can turn this on.Pathway or step leaders receive this notification, which lists:
  • New participants
  • Participants assigned/unassigned to you
  • Overdue/removed participants
Pathway weekly digestWeekly on MondaysAutomatic - pathway or step leaders can turn this on.Pathway or step leaders receive this notification, which lists:
  • New participants
  • Participants assigned/unassigned to you
  • Overdue/removed participants
Daily summary of online ACH transactionsDailyAutomatic - admin or user with permission can turn this on. A summary of transactions made that day.

Notification Settings

Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Newsfeed notificationsOn demandSee Community SectionAn email with the newsfeed message, who sent the message, and which site it came from.
Inbox notifications On demandSee Community Section An email with the inbox message, who sent the message, and which site it came from.


Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Inbox On demand
  • Must be turned on under Notification Settings per user.
  • Has to be sent by a group leader.
  • Leader has the ability to control reply emails.
An email with the inbox message, who sent the message, and which site it came from.
ChatSends if the chat is unread after 5 minutesWhen a chat between you and another person, you and several people, or a group chat takes place.An email with the chat message, who sent the message, and which site it came from.
Newsfeed posts/events/albumsOn demandAnytime a group member creates content for the newsfeed, or when an event is created and shared to the newsfeed. An email with the newsfeed message, who sent the message, and which site it came from.


Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Send emailOn demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off.A personalized message an administrator or user with permission sends.


Email FeatureHow Often TriggersType of Content
Send a Realm invite or reminder On demand: Invite is viable for 72 hoursWhen admin or users with permission send an invite, or when someone joins through the app or log in screen.An invitation with site information and a link to join Realm.
Converted accounts invitationOn demandAdmin or users with permission must go to Converted Accounts tab under Pending Invites to send an invitation to those listed. An invitation to sign in and create a password.
Mark as deceasedOn demandWhen a check box is selected for marking someone as deceased.Notifies an administrator or users with permission when a person is marked as deceased.
Password resetOn demandAdmin or users with permission can send this from a profile, or when a user clicks Forgot Password from the log in screen. A link to reset your password.
Privacy changeOn demandWhen admin or users with permission make a change on a profile or a mass change from query.An administrator or user with permission has changed a profile's privacy information. This email goes out when someone opts into the directory, and when a phone number, address, or personal information in a profile changes.


Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Group recess begins5 days before startAutomatic after the group is placed in recess.Notifies you that the group is in recess and there is not a meeting for the primary event.
Group recess ends5 days before endAutomatic after the group is placed in recess.Notifies you that the group recess period has ended.
Send email On demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message that an administrator or user with permission sends.
Newsfeed eventsOn demandDepends on email settings.Information about the event.
Cancel a group eventOn demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message from the individual who cancels the group event.
Reinstate a group eventOn demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message from the individual who reinstates the group event.
Update the date/time of a group event On demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message from the individual who updated the group event.
Added to a group rosterOn demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message to let you know you've been added to a group.


Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Send an emailOn demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message an administrator or user with permission sends.

Registration Events

Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Send an email On demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message an administrator or user with permission sends.
Post a registration event to the newsfeedOn demandDepends on email settings. Information about the event.
Cancel a registration eventOn demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A registration event has been canceled. This can also contain a custom message from the person who canceled the event.
A registration has been updated On demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message from the individual who updated the time or date of a registration event.
Daily notification email for event contactsOn demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. Notifies the event contact of new registrants for an event.

Volunteer Management

Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Event change conflictDailyAutomatic - administrator, leader, or user with permission can turn this on. Schedule creators/coordinators receive this message to let them know an event on the schedule has been changed and conflicts with an upcoming schedule.
Unassigned positionsDailyAutomatic - administrator, leader, or user with permission can turn this on. Schedule creators/coordinators receive this message to let them know an upcoming scheduled event has unassigned positions.

Users & Permissions

Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
User inviteOn demandWhen an administrator invites someone. An invitation with site information and a link to join Realm.


Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Send email On demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off.A personalized message an administrator or user with permission sends.

Custom Query

Email FeatureHow OftenTriggersType of Content
Send emailOn demandAutomatic - no way to turn these off. A personalized message an administrator or user with permission sends.
Privacy change in massOn demandWhen admin or users with permission make a change on a profile or a mass change from query.An administrator or user with permission has changed privacy information. This email goes out when someone is opted in to the directory, or when a phone number, address, or personal information is updated.


Email FeatureHow Often TriggersType of Content
Giving receipt After each giftWhen a contributor gives online.Tells the contributor how much they gave and which fund they selected.
Credit card update After changeWhen Vanco updates a contributor's card information.Informs the contributor that Vanco has updated their credit card information.
Scheduled/recurring After changeWhen a scheduled contribution is put on hold.Information about a scheduled/recurring contribution that is on hold.
Gift is on holdAs neededWhen a contribution is put on hold.Information about a contribution that is on hold.
Payment method has expiredAs neededWhen a payment method expires. Alerts contributors in Realm that their payment method has expired for a registration event.

Mobile Apps

Email Feature How Often TriggersType of Content
Leader adds someone to a groupOn demand When a new individual is added. Notifies the individual they have been added to a group through the app.
Someone requests to join a groupOn demandWhen a request to join is sent. Notifies the leader when someone requests to join their group.