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Text Messaging and Replies

How replies work with text messaging.

Inbox Message Reply Options

When a group or team leader sends an Inbox message, they select how the replies for that message display. There are three options for Inbox replies:

  • Sender Only: Only the leader sees replies
  • Entire Group/Team: Everyone sees replies
  • Disabled: No one can reply

By default, the reply option is set to Sender Only, but you can change this as needed.

When a group leader selects the Sender Only , Entire Group or Entire Team option, group members and volunteers must log in to a Realm account to reply to the original Inbox message.

New message screen with reply options: Sender Only, Entire Group, or Disabled

When Are Texts Sent?

A text is sent when a group or team leader creates the initial Inbox message. Group members cannot send texts to each other or the group leader. Group members and volunteers cannot reply via text and do not receive follow-up texts for replies.

Realm can also send system-generated texts to volunteers, such as notifications for assignments and serving reminders.

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