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Site-Wide Communication

You can send alerts and notifications to individuals in your church.

When you create a site alert, it displays to administrators and users with permission as a banner across the top of all pages on the web app only.

Post Site Alerts

Use Realm to communicate an urgent message.

A service is canceled due to weather, or an urgent prayer vigil is called. You can post important messages that you want to be seen by everyone in your church.

You can create a site alert in the System Settings section of your ministry hub.


Some things to know

  • You can only have one site alert active at a time.
  • Site alerts display on all pages for administrators and users with permissions. However, individuals who are not administrators only see site alerts on Giving and Pathways pages.
  • To share an important message with others, we recommend posting to your Newsfeed or sending a message via inbox or group email.
  • Site alerts display until they expire or are dismissed.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then System Settings. Then click Site Alerts.
  2. Click Add Site Alert.
  3. Enter the message and the period during which it should be seen by users.
  4. Click Save.