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Bank Reconcile Manager

You can view and manage your bank reconciliation reports, set their default storage location, and exclude them from backups, if needed.

Manage Saved Bank Reconciliation Reports

  1. On the Other Information tab, click Bank Accounts > Bank Reconcile Manager.
  2. Use the options below the list to filter the view.
  3. In the list, double-click a report or click Load the Report. The report opens in your default viewer, and you can print it from there.
  4. You can also delete the report, or open the file location where the report is saved.

Change the Default Storage Folder

If you don't set a storage location for your reports, they'll be saved in the Data folder where your program was installed. A benefit of setting a location other than your Data folder is that your backups and restores will be smaller and faster.

  1. On the Other Information tab, click Bank Accounts > Bank Reconcile Manager.
  2. In the Default Storage Folder section, click Browse.
  3. Select a folder, and click OK.
  4. All reports are saved by default. You can select or clear the report checkboxes to customize which ones you want to save.
  5. If you don't want to back up these reports at all, select Exclude BankRec*.pdf from Backup.
  6. Click Save.
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