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The ability to track Requirements and Compliance for people serving in various ministries at your Church is a clear and efficient way to empower your Users. But wait, there's more!

Using Qualifications, you can check whether someone who responds to an Opportunity is qualified to serve in that Group Role. And if they haven't met all of the Requirements, the provided Views make the next steps crystal clear. You'll have new volunteers up and running in no time!


Go to Compliance > Qualifications to see a read-only page that shows everyone who has responded to an Opportunity and whether they've met the requirements for serving in that Group Role. Your ministry leaders will be able to quickly decide whether the volunteer can start serving that same day or whether they'll need to wait for that Background Check to be returned.
Note: Individuals listed on the Qualifications page have responded to an Opportunity but are not serving in a Group yet.
You can, of course, create any views that work for you, but we've added a few to get you started:
  • All Records: Shows everyone responded to an Opportunity.
  • All Clear: It's your lucky day! This volunteer is ready to be placed into the Group and start serving today.
  • Need Background Check: The Respondent needs to have a background check before they can start serving in the Group.
  • Need Certification: The Respondent needs to complete a Certification before they can start serving in the Group.
  • Need Form: The Respondent needs to complete a required Form before they can start serving in the Group.
  • Need Milestone: The Respondent needs to complete a Milestone before they can start serving in the Group.
  • Recently Added: Those who have responded to an Opportunity in the past 7 days.

Qualification Details

Go to Compliance > Qualification Details to see a read-only page that shows everyone who has responded to an Opportunity and details of the requirements for serving in that Group Role.
Note: Individuals listed on the Qualification Details page have responded to an Opportunity but are not serving in a Group yet.

You can, of course, create any views that work for you, but we've added a few to get you started:

  • All Records: Shows everyone responded to an Opportunity.
  • All Clear: It's your lucky day! This volunteer is ready to be placed into the Group and start serving today.
  • Recently Added: Those who have responded to an Opportunity in the past 7 days.

Leveraging Qualifications

The Qualification pages and provided views are a powerful tool for your ministry leaders to use when reviewing Opportunity Responses. But here are a few ideas to take Qualifications to the next level:

  • Use View Rules to color-code the provided Views (and new Views you create). Perhaps green for the complete fields and red for those missing Requirements.
  • Batch your Opportunity Responses and their missing Requirements for maximum efficiency. So if 100 people responded to your VBS Opportunity and 70 of them need to complete the certification, grab that selection from the Qualifications page and email the link to all of them at one time.
  • Set up View Notifications to send Ministry Leaders a gentle reminder to check on potential volunteers.
  • When people have met the Requirements, place them in the Group. They'll then be removed from the "Need..." views on the Qualifications (they'll still be included in the All Records and All Clear views on the Qualifications page) and display on the Compliance page.