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Journeys and Milestones FAQ

Q1: Should I use a Journey to track every step in my Assimilation process from Guest to Member?

While this is certainly permissible, it is generally better to use only one or two key Milestones for this process. If there are many small actions that take place in a short period of time, then you may want to have a SPoC consult with Support. Many churches have found it more convenient to exploit the ability to add fields to the Participants page to create a simple list of steps that any user can easily manage right on the Participant record (e.g., initial call made (yes/no), attended orientation (date), pastor call made (yes/no), references checked (yes/no).

Q2: How do I take someone out of a Journey?

From the Milestones Assigned Page, select the last Milestone they were assigned on that Journey and set the Discontinued Journey field to Yes.