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Background Check Integrations

An integration can be set up with the following vendors:

Notes about Integrations

  • Churches with any of our integrations can use the Background Check Request Tool to send out background check requests. Churches with the Active Screening Faith or Protect My Ministry integration can also leverage the Background Check Request Portal page.
  • Background Check results will be returned and updated in their respective Background Check Request records. Checks will come back All Clear as Undefined, then require someone to review the report and set All Clear to Yes or No (unless you integrated with PMM and set up adjudication rules with them).
  • If you have the PORTAL DownloadBGCheckReports Config Setting set to True, the completed Background Check will be downloaded and attached to the Background Check record. The completed Background Check can also be accessed via the Report URL.
  • If your package includes MVR details, these are not added to the Background Check record but are available in the report linked (see Report URL) in the Background Check record. They can be recorded in a custom field or table manually if needed.
  • If your package includes Credit Check details, these are not added to the Background Check record but are available in the report linked (see Report URL) to the Background Check record. They can be recorded in a custom field or table manually if needed.