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Server Requirements

If you need to upgrade or replace the server when you originally implemented MinistryPlatform, your new server must:

  • Meet the requirements below.
  • Be certified by the MinistryPlatform team (through our partner Higher Ground Technologies).
  • Be moved by the MinistryPlatform team.
Note: There is a charge for this service. Please contact Support to begin the process.


Your church's IT department or firm must configure the server with the following software:

  • Windows Server: 2012 R2 64bit (or better)
  • SQL Server: MSSQL 2016 Standard or better; Enterprise for the greatest access to mobile reporting. (We recommend MSSQL 2019)
  • Web Server: Running IIS with an SHA-2 (or better) SSL certificate installed
  • Web Server: ASP.NET installed
  • Web Server: SSRS Standard (or better)
  • Fully patched with current Windows Updates

SSRS Installation

  • Both SQL and SSRS must be on the same version year. For example, if you have MSSQL 2014, install SSRS 2014.
  • Please leave the configuration step to us - automatic configuration takes much longer to process.
  • If IIS and SQL are on separate servers, you may install SSRS on either server.
    • If SSRS is on the IIS server, it is easier to configure access through SSL, but it costs more to license.
    • If SSRS is on the SQL server, it is cheaper to license, but harder to configure access through SSL.


The following must provision a server:

  1. The church on site,
  2. A third party at the church’s main location, or
  3. A third party in a data center.

That database server must meet the minimum requirement for MSSQL 2016/SSRS 2016 Standard or higher. These minimum requirements include:

  • 4+GB RAM
  • Dual Core (or Quad Core) processor
  • 60+ GB System Partition
  • 120+ GB Data Partition

External Server Access

The MinistryPlatform team requires remote desktop access to both the web server and the SQL server. You can grant this access directly or over a prerequisite VPN connection.

  • Please provide a network or local server account with 24/7 access. This is for the EXCLUSIVE and ONGOING use of our personnel who implement and support your church.
  • The account needs Local Administrator privileges on both the web and database servers.
  • The account must have SysAdmin privileges in SQL Server.
Note: If we can't access your server, we'll reach out to you with the expectation that you will restore access immediately. You may be charged our technical services rate of $110 per hour for all additional steps to connect to your server and communicate with you about accessing your server regarding previously scheduled updates.