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Label Sets (Name Tags)

Learn about the Label Types area of Check-In Suite Admin Console.

Manage, edit, and create name tags for your Check-In Kiosk with the Label Sets area of the Admin Console. Check-In Suite comes with four pre-loaded label sets that you can use or edit!

Note: You can only upload, use, and edit label sets originally created in the Check-In Suite Admin Console. Label sets created outside of Check-In Suite can lead to an error with the Label Set drop-down menu.

Notes About Label Sets

  • You can only upload, use, and edit label sets originally created in the Check-In Suite Admin Console.
  • You can have as many label sets as you want.
  • A label set can have labels defined for one, multiple, or all label types.
  • A label type can have no, one, or multiple labels defined.
  • If a label does not have Groups mapped, that label prints for any Group Participant with that label type (participant, servant, or leader).
  • If a label does have Groups mapped, that label only prints for a Group Participant in one of those Groups and with that label type (participant, servant, or leader).
  • When the cursor is in a repeating section, you'll see a red line and a small menu with the option to insert a paragraph after the section. Don't click below it unless another section already exists.
  • Check-In Suite comes with four pre-loaded label sets that you can edit or copy as needed.
  • We recommend that you download your current label sets. That way, if someone accidentally deletes one that you need, you have a backup zip file that you can upload.
  • You can engage Professional Services to recreate existing label sets in the new Check-In Suite. Hourly rates apply.
Remember: Label sets are custom to your system, similar to custom views. You must engage Professional Services for help troubleshooting issues with custom label sets. Hourly rates apply.

Label Types

There are five labels types available for each Label Set:

Summary Label
This label prints a single summary labels for all participants checked in if they also receive a Secure label (label with a security code token). See Label Design for details.
Group Participant Labels
These labels print if the Participant checking in is in a Group associated with the Event and has a Group Role Type of Participant.
Group Leader Labels
These labels print if the Participant checking in is in a Group associated with the Event and has a Group Role Type of Leader.
Group Servant Labels
These labels print if the Participant checking in is in a Group associated with the Event and has a Group Role Type of Servant.
No Group (RSVP) Labels
These labels print if the Participant checking in is not in a Group associated with the Event.
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