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Map Groups to Labels

You can map specific labels to a Group so Participants can receive different labels based on their Group Participant Role Type and Group.

  • If a label does not have Groups mapped, that label prints for any Group Participant with that label type (Participant, Servant, or Leader).
  • If a label does have Groups mapped, that label only prints for a Group Participant in one of those Groups and with that label type (Participant, Servant, or Leader).
  • If a Participant does not have a Group Participant related to the Event, they don't receive any Labels assigned to Participant, Servant, or Leader label types, since there is no Group Role Type.
Note: The Map to Group dialog box only returns a maximum of 5,000 groups.

By Group

View all of your labels by their mapped Group in the By Group tab. Labels sort alphabetically by Group name. If there is an unknown Group in your Label Set, that is a previously mapped Group that is no longer available for mapping (for example, the Group has an End Date in the past or has been deleted).

To clear out the unknowns (not required): Note the name of the label. Go to the By Type tab. Find the label. Open the Map to Group Dialog box. Click Save. This should remove any outdated mappings.

  • Click the delete icon on a label to delete the label, not the mapping. When you select a label mapped to multiple Groups, it is highlighted in each Group.
  • Click the unlink icon on a label to unmap that group from that label.

Image displaying the By Group tab. The unlink and delete icons are outlined in red.

Mapping Groups Example

For example, if you have your label set configured for the Participant Label Type as follows:

  • Label 1: Unmapped
  • Label 2: Mapped to Nursery, Preschool, and Kindergarten Groups
  • Label 3: Mapped to Nursery Group

If you checked in a child that was in the Nursery Group, they receive all three labels. If you checked in a child that was in the Kindergarten Group, they receive labels 1 and 2. If you checked in a child in the First Grade Group, they receive label 1.

What Labels Will Print?

The workflow of Check-In Suite label sets is as follows:

  1. Is the Participant in a Group? If yes, look at their Group Role.
  2. Does the label set have labels for that Role? If yes, look at the Group mappings.
  3. Is there a label without a mapping? If yes, print that label. Do this for any label that isn't mapped to any Group.
  4. Is there a label that is mapped to this Group? If yes, print that label. Do this for each label mapped to this Group.
  5. Are there only labels that are mapped to other Groups? If yes, do not print labels.

Use the following diagram to determine which Labels will print:

Image displaying a flow chart of the Check-In Suite label sets workflow.

Will a Summary Label Print?

Use the following diagram to determine whether a Summary Label will print or not:

Image displaying a flow chart of Summary Label printing.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If you don't want to print a label, ensure that the Participant's Group Role does not have a label mapped to their group and there are no unmapped labels in that Group Role Type.
  • If you receive unexpected labels, make sure to delete those labels or map them to an appropriate group.
  • Remember that any unmapped label prints for every person who checks in with that Group Role Type.
  • If the labels don't print as expected, confirm that the Group Participant has the correct and appropriate Group Role Type in the specific group.
  • Remember that mapped groups are on a group-by-group basis — Check-In Suite does not see sub-groups if you mapped the parent group.

Available Groups to Map

For a group to be available to map:

  • You must connect the group to at least one event through the Room & Groups tab.
  • The group cannot have an End Date.