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Access the Check-In Suite

Log In

To log in to Check-In Suite, open a web browser and add "/checkin" to your system domain. For example, if your Platform URL is https://ministryplatform.net/mp, your Check-In URL would be https://ministryplatform.net/checkin.

You must have an appropriate Check-In Suite security role to log in.

If needed, select the Use Virtual Keyboard option to enter your username and password using an onscreen touch keyboard.

Note: Numbers and special characters are disabled in Kiosk Search but allowed in these fields. If selected here, the Virtual Keyboard also enables on the Home screen.

Once logged in, your session is valid for up to 72 hours or until you log out.

Log Out

From the Home screen in Check-In Suite, click Log Off. If you're on another screen, first click Home, then click Log Off.

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