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Check-In Suite Home

Log in to Check-In Suite using the following URL format: https://[your domain]/checkin.

After logging in, you'll see the Check-In Suite home page. Here, set the following configurations for the specific Check-In Suite station:

  • Congregation: The Congregation or Parish to filter by for the available Check-In Suite events. Events assigned to Churchwide Congregation are available under any filter. Only active congregations display in drop-down list.
  • Events: The event(s) that Check-In Suite uses. These are sorted alphabetically. You can select:
    • All events for a specific ministry.
    • All events for a selection of ministries.
    • A selection of one or more specific future or current events available for check-in within the next 24 hours (from the current time).
      • Both approved and unapproved events display in Check-In Suite. Canceled events do not display.
      • Events become available in Classroom Manager either at early check-in time (if defined) or 60 minutes before the event start time (the default if there is no early check-in time specified).
      • Events display in the kiosk's local time zone.
  • Attendant Password: When you use Unattended Mode, the attendant password allows users to temporarily access the Attended Mode features. Put an asterisk (*) in the search box, and it prompts you for the password. This password is specific to this station and user. However, if you use the Auto URL feature, it's included in the URL and applied to any station using that URL.
    Tip: Think you mistyped the password? As soon as you make a change in the Attendant Password field, an eye icon displays beside it. Click the eye to see the text you've entered. Click it again to hide the password.
  • Machine Name: This must be unique. A friendly name for the machine to identify it in the Station Device Overview of the Admin Console (for example, Kiosk #4). This value is on any Event Participant records you created in Check-In Station field.
  • Language: The language for Check-In Suite to display for field labels (buttons, instructions, and so on). Current available languages are English (default), Mandarin (Simple Chinese), Portuguese, and Spanish.
  • Use Virtual Keyboard: If selected, you can enter the Attendant Password and Machine Name fields with an onscreen touch keyboard. If you select this option here, the Virtual Keyboard enables on the Login screen.

Image displaying the Check-In Suite home page.

Once set, you can choose the function of the Check-In Suite:

The Check-In Kiosk and Classroom Manager are grayed out until you enter information in the required fields. Fields with red labels are required.

The header of the Home page notes the current version of Check-In Suite. For example, V.2023.9.7.

You can refresh the cache using the icon in the header. This refreshes information related to Events, Groups, Participants, and Configuration Settings.

You can also install and verify the Print Service from the Home screen. See Print Services for details.

Time Sync

Sync your kiosk clock and server clock to ensure printing functions properly.

If these clocks get out of sync, a warning message displays:

Image displaying the "Kiosk clock is out of sync" error dialog box.

You can resolve this.

  1. From the kiosk, right click the time in the lower-right corner.
  2. Click Adjust date and time.
    Image displaying the settings menu. The Adjust date and time button is the first option.
  3. Set the Set time automatically slider to On.
  4. Set the Set time zone automatically slider On.
  5. Click Sync Now.
    Image displaying the Date & time screen. The Sync now button is under the Additional settings heading.
  6. Close the browser and relaunch.
  • If your kiosk and server are in different time zones, that's okay! The warning takes time zone into consideration, so you can set your kiosk to local time.
  • If the message continues to appear after syncing, clear the browser cache on the kiosk to ensure Check-In Suite uses the correct local time for the kiosk.
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