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Group/Room Overview

The Group/Room Overview of the Check-In Suite Admin Console provides a snapshot of Group attendance and Room capacity.

Note: If multiple Groups share the same Room, the attendance and Room capacity listed for each Group will be the same because they are sharing the same Room.
Note: Events can have multiple Groups within the Event sharing a Room. Multiple Events can also share a Room if the Event times do not overlap. However, you can't simultaneously update Events that share a Room by the design of the Group/Room Overview page and its features (for example, auto close at capacity). In that case, you need to update Events individually with the Group/Room Overview as the tool considers the shared room double-booked.

Group Attendance

Each Group shows a breakdown by Room of:

  • Males + Females = Totals
  • Attendees + Leaders = Totals

Room Capacity

Each Room is labeled with the total Maximum Capacity value in parentheses near the Room title, based on the value set on the Room record, along with a color-coded percentage of capacity:

  • Low (less than 20% capacity)
  • Filling (20-70% capacity)
  • Near Capacity (70-98% capacity)
  • Full (>98% capacity)

Image displaying the Group/Room Overview tab. Groups are listed down the left side of the screen, the room capacity runs across the top, and the Room breakdowns are in the middle.

To see Rooms and Groups for a specific Event when multiple Events are open for check-in, return to the Home page, select the Event, and then open the Group/Rooms Overview again.

Close Rooms

You can set Rooms to close automatically when it reaches max capacity. You can also manually close a room that is no longer available for check-in (perhaps a volunteer or two became unavailable). If you closed a Room and someone expected for the Event attempts to check in, the Event will be grayed out and say "Check-In Closed" to the right of the Event title.

Image displaying the "12pm: Kids Worship 1st Service - Kindergarten - Group Member (Expected)" Room has been grayed out and reads "Check-in Closed".

Manual Close

To close a Room so that is no longer available for check-in, click the lock icon, and then click Yes to close the Room.

If the Room is already closed and you need to reopen it, click the lock icon, and then click Yes to reopen room. You can also make these changes from the Platform.

This status stores on the Groups & Rooms (Room Reservation) record, where you can set Closed to Yes or No.

Image displaying the Room/Group Overview. The lock icon for the "3rd Grade Room" is outlined in red.

Auto Close

If the Groups & Rooms (Room Reservation) record has Auto Close at Capacity set to Yes, the related Group or Room overview shows the auto close icon. When the Room record meets max capacity by the number of participants checked in, this Room closes and participants can't check in to it.

Note: If multiple Groups use the same Room, each Room and Group record should have Auto Close at Capacity set to Yes.

To turn off this option, click the auto close icon and then click Yes to disable auto close. The manual close option becomes available. You can't turn on auto close through Check-In Suite and you must turn it back on in the Platform.

thumb_upYes thumb_downNo