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Search and Check In

Search Options

In the Check-In Kiosk, you can search by the following fields:

  • Name: Enables users to search by First Name, Nickname, and/or Last Name.
    • You can use commas (for example, Last Name, First Name or Last Name, Nickname).
    • You can use spaces (for example, First Name Last Name or Nickname Last Name).
    • You can enter partial names (for example, "Smi, Za" for Zane Smith).
  • Phone: Enables users to search by Phone Number (Mobile or Home).
    • You can use dashes, but they aren't required.
  • ID: Enables users to search by Household_ID or Card_ID, located in the Contact record. This search method only returns exact matches or the entire Household depending on the ID Card Behavior set in the Check In Kiosk Settings dialog box.
  • Pre-Check (QR Code): This option works with apps from PocketPlatform, Online Giving, or Points North and assumes the use of barcode scanners. These apps show the Events a Household registered for or they're expected to attend through Group Participation (limited by the current date). Once they select which family members check into which Events, a Pre-Check generates. Scan this at any kiosk to complete all selected check-ins (Event Participants with a 02 Registered Status) and, if applicable, print labels.
    Note: All Pre-Check Codes use a unique syntax starting with "pre" (for example, PRE | YYYY-MM-DD | Household ID) so they don't interfere with the ID Card method.
    Note: When you scan the QR Code, you may need to click Search to get labels to print. To bypass the need to click Search, you may configure a hard return within your scanner once it reads the code, so that the scanner presses enter after it reads the code. The setting or steps to configure this are specific to the scanner.

You must enter a minimum of three characters into the Search box to return search results (for example, "Chr" or "C,M"). If your Household ID is less than three numbers, add preceding zeros.

Image displaying the Check-In Suite's Search Header, with "Re, Mel" in the search bar.

The search results return to the Search screen if you don't take action within 30 seconds.

Note: There is no longer a Configuration Setting for "CHECKIN, SearchInstructions" because of internationalization. If you needed, you can change it in the Kiosk Theme.
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