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Install Your Check Scanner

Instructions to install the check scanner you want to use with the Batch Manager Tool, including a list of supported scanners.

Important: The Batch Manager Tool requires a Windows 10 (Pro or Enterprise) or 11 machine with Microsoft. NET 4.5.2 installed to use the Batch Manager Scanning Service. The scanning service only runs on Windows; you cannot install it on a Mac computer.
  1. Install the drivers for your supported check scanner on your Windows computer. See brand-specific directions below.
    • Canon: Use the driver that came with your Canon scanner. Visit Canon's support site, and download the latest version of your version.
    • Digital Check: Use the driver that came with your Digital Check scanner. The driver (required) and testing utility (optional) are two separate installation packages.
    • Epson: Use the driver that came with your Epson scanner.
  2. Be sure you're running Windows 10 (Pro or Enterprise) or Windows 11.
  3. Connect your scanner. Your computer should recognize and install the device.
Proceed to the BMT configuration.

Supported Scanners

Digital Check
TS230, TS240, and TS500 check scanners with native driver. See the Digital Check driver download page.

For the TS500, if the check scanner reseller asks if we use their API, the answer is "Yes, MinistryPlatform uses Digital Checks API version 17.02 to support the TS500 scanner."

Epson CaptureOne
TM-S1000 and TM-S2000 (30, 60, or 90 DPM) with native driver. See the Epson driver download page.

The Epson won't communicate with Windows 7 USB 3.0 unless the PC uses the Microsoft USB driver. Use Windows 10 or a PC that uses Microsoft USB drivers.

Note: There are two Epson TM-S1000 models - both with the same exact model number! One model is a multi-feed (scans multiple checks at once) and the other is only a single-feed (only scans one check at a time). We encourage you to do your church your way, but it seems like the multi-feed model serves you best.
CR-120, CR-120N, CR-150 with the CR-150_120_Driver.V.1.2.11709.20001SP2 driver.

CR-L1, CR-190i-II with the CR-190i_135iCanonDriverV.1.19 driver.

Canon scanners require the native Canon driver, not the Ranger driver. If needed, first uninstall the Ranger driver and then install the appropriate native Canon driver.

Tip: We can recommend Bank Systems Marketing, who specialize in selling, financing, and servicing Digital Check and Canon check scanners.