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Add Member Types

This is the third step to create an event.

In Go Method, team members are event participants. However, there can be different types of team members. Setting Team Member Types can be useful in fulfilling trip requirements, varying registration fees, adjusting the application process to vet your applicants as necessary, and more. Here is where you'll define what team member types are available for this trip.
  1. Select the team member type options for this trip. To add team member types, click Add Team Member Type.
  2. Optional: Add a discount code for the event.
    1. Enter the discount name.
      Early Bird
    2. Select a specific amount or a percentage for the discount.
    3. Enter the discount amount or percentage.
    4. If there is a date limit to the discount, click Yes under the Active Dates section and select the start and end dates for the discount. For example, if an event is in June, you can apply an early bird discount beginning the date registration opens and ending in March. If there is no date limit to the discount, click No.
    5. Select which team member types the discount can apply to by selecting the corresponding check box next to the team member type.
    6. Click Save Discount Code.
  3. Optional: Add a coupon code for the event.
    1. Enter the coupon name.
      Welcome Trip!
    2. Enter the coupon code.
    3. Select whether you want the coupon to be for a specific amount or a percentage.
    4. Enter the coupon amount or percentage.
    5. If there is a date limit to the coupon, click Yes under the Active Dates section and select the start and end dates for the coupon. If there is no date limit to the discount, click No.
    6. Select the check box next to the corresponding team member type to apply the coupon to that team member type.
    7. Click Save Coupon Code.
  4. Do you want group owners to act as leaders for their group? Click Yes to allow it; click No to restrict it.
    Note: Group owners are participants who register several other people for an event. If the option is turned on for the event, group owners will be able to manage funding and requirements for everyone in their group.
  5. Click Next to save your event information and move to the next step.
You've completed step three of creating an event! Let's move to Step 4: Requirements.