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Add Information

This is the first step to create an event.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • You must have a ChMS integrated with your organization's account.
  • You must have at least one payment merchant integrated with your organization's account.
The heart and soul of Go Method! Here you can create a single-day event such as a youth ministry bake sale or church-wide fall festival, or you can create multi-day events such as mission trips or vacation bible school.
  1. On the home page, click Create a New Event.
  2. Select the Event Type from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the event's details. This includes the Event Name, Event Code, Event Dates, Registration Dates, Event Location, when to Autoarchive the Event, and a Brief Description.
  4. If applicable, enter the Max Headcount and Age Range for the event, and select how the headcount should be counted from the drop-down list. To allow applicants to continue to register for the event after the headcount is reached, click the Allow Applicants to Continue to Register After Headcount is Met? check box.
  5. Enter the name, phone number, and email address for the contact for this event. To show the contact person's information on the event public page, click the Show Contact Person Information on Public Page? check box.
  6. Optional: Select the event's Affinity Group from the Which Affinity Group Does This Event Belong To? drop-down list.
  7. Under Payment Options, select the Payment Structure from the drop-down list, enter the Total Cost Per Person and Deposit Per Person, and select the Payment Merchant for the event. You can also require the event participants to cover any credit card processing fees by clicking the Ask Individual to Pay Processing Fee? check box.
    Tip: Information fields vary based on the selected Payment Structure.
  8. Select additional event options from the corresponding drop-down lists. These options may vary depending on your ChMS.
  9. Select your payment merchant options from the corresponding drop-down lists. These options may vary depending on your payment merchant.
  10. Click Next to save your event information and move to the next step.
Your event information is saved and you can move on to Step 2: Appearance.