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Change Event Requirements

Change an event's requirements, add a checklist, or add prerequisites.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • You must have already created requirements for your organization's account.
Add or change an event's requirements, checklist, or prerequisites to help your participants know what they need to know and do prior to attending the event.
  1. In the top menu, click Events > My Events.
  2. Select an event to add requirements or a checklist to.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. To change post-approval requirements, click Edit next to the post-approval requirements section.
  5. Under post-approval requirements, click Yes.
  6. Click Add Requirements.
  7. Select the requirements you want to add from the list, then click Next.
  8. Enter the due date for each requirement in the corresponding field.
    The post-approval requirements section with requirements and their due dates listed.
  9. Click Save Changes.