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Change Appearance

This is the second step to create an event.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • You must have completed adding information to your event.
Change the appearance of how your event displays on the Events page. Keep in mind that images can help users identify trips.
  1. Click Add Event Image. You can either choose an image from the library, or you can upload an image. Click Upload Event Image and select one from your computer. Click Open.
  2. Under Public Page Options, set your event's public event listing page options.
    1. Select Yes to show your event on your public event listing page.
    2. Select No to NOT show your event on your public event listing page.
    3. Select Public Event to show your event on your public event listing page and allow public fundraising for the event.
    4. Select Private Event to NOT show your event on your public event listing page and NOT allow public fundraising for the event.
    5. Select Show to show the trip's destination on the public event listing page.
    6. Select Don't Show to NOT show the trip's destination on the public event listing page.
  3. Establish your Team Member View Options.
    1. To allow social fundraising links for this event, select Yes. To remove social fundraising and still have team members pay for events, select No.
    2. To allow team members to view the Team Members tab within the trip to see who else is attending the trip, select Yes. To hide the Team Members tab from trip participants, select No.
  4. Optional: For group registration, you can customize the registration link text to something more personal, such as "Friends and Family", "My Team", or "My Group".
  5. Under the Categories and Filtering section, select a filter category from the drop-down list. Categories and filters are used on the public-facing event listing page, and they help potential participants find the events they are looking for faster.
    Global Location
  6. Select the event filter(s). You can add multiple categories and filters to an event.
    Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America
  7. Click Next to save your event information and move to the next step.
You've completed step two of the create an event process! Move on to Step 3: Member Types.