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Your best vacations probably required some planning and preparation. Similarly, a little planning and prep time spent in Go Method will pay off. Once these building blocks are complete, the task of creating a new event, trip, or camp is straightforward.

Filters & Categories - If you anticipate organizing multiple events at the same time, you can set up categories or filters to make searching and finding events more efficient for your participants.
Custom Fields - No two churches or parishes are alike, so you can create custom fields to collect and report information relevant to your organization.
Checklists - Create checklists to help participants prepare for the event. Your checklist can include required items and optional items that might make the trip or event more comfortable, such as hard candy, toilet paper, or extra medications.
Public Engagement Page - This is a centralized web page that your community can access to view available mission trips, outreach partner information, church events, and more. You can customize your public engagement page to suit your needs and continue managing your page.
Profile Questions - Create profile questions for team members to complete when setting up their profiles. These questions can include questions about testimony or allergy or dietary restrictions. Team Member profile answers display on submitted event applications to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the applicant.
Requirements - Create requirements (medical records, passports, payments, etc.) for those items you want team members to complete prior to a trip. You can set these requirements as prerequisites to be filled out at the time of applying or as items to be completed after they've been approved.
Applications - After you set up profile questions and requirements, design an application.
References - You can require participants to submit personal or professional references as part of the application requirements. Administrators with permissions can configure references.
Create an Event - With the above preliminary work complete, you're ready to create your first event.