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Event Types

Go Method offers three event types: trips, camps, and general events.

Differences Between Event Types

Trips: Typically short-term events that involve travel and exploration, focusing on specific activities or destinations.

Camps: Longer events that often include overnight stays and a series of activities or educational programs.

General Events: Over a broad range of activities that do not necessarily fit into the categories of trips or camps, such as workshops, conferences, or social gatherings.

Public URLs for Events

Each Event Type has its own public listing page and corresponding URL to help potential participants find the event they're looking for. These can be found in Admin > Settings > Public Home > Public URLs.

The Public Home page where you can find an event's public URL.

Using Event Types

Event types are useful for organizing events. You can use these categories when creating new events, to filter through existing events, and to identify events using tags.

  • Select an Event Type when creating a new event.

The Event Type drop-down list you see when creating a new event.

  • Select an Event Type to filter through events.

The My Events page with the Event Types filter open and showing the Event Type Filters.

  • Use Go Method tags to see which events are considered trips, camps, or general events.

Camp Tag for a camp event