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Add Application Prerequisites to a Trip

Applicants can complete prerequisites as part of the application process or at a later time as a past due post-requirement.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • You must already have prerequisites for your organization's account.
Prerequisites are requirements that applicants must complete when submitting an application to a trip or event. Applicants can't submit their applications until all prerequisites are met.
  1. Go to Events > My Events.
  2. Select the event you want to add prerequisites to.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. In the Prerequisites section, click Edit.
    The prerequisites section of the event details page.
  5. In the Prerequisites section, click Yes.
  6. Click Add Prerequisites.
  7. Select the prerequisites from the list and click Next.
    The prerequisites page with prerequisites selected.
  8. Click Save Changes.
The selected prerequisites display in the Prerequisites section, and applicants must now complete them. Prerequisites that are not completed at the time of application are marked with a warning symbol and moved to the participant's post-requirement section. Admins and trip leaders can view reasons the applicant didn't complete a prerequisite at the time of application.