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Registration for Events

Users with proper permissions can register individuals, guests, and their family for church-wide events.

After registering people for the event, view and edit the list of registrants from the Registrants tab. You can also print and export a list of registrants for an event. To view registrants as individuals rather than by registration party, select Registrant from the View by drop-down menu.

If you publish an event, people can register and manage their own registrations. However, users with permission can still register people manually, as well. If you skip any required questions under the Additional Information section, you'll receive a Missing Information alert, but will still be able to complete the registration.

Named Guests

After a registration event is over, you can view a list of named guests who attended the event. This list provides information about the guest, including whether or not the guest has a profile. You can choose to create a profile for this person or add them to a pathway.


You can mark attendance for registration events to record how many attendees showed up at the event. Named guests appear on the attendance roster along with the registrants who invited the guest. You can also add additional attendees to the numeric count by entering a number in the Additional box.