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Congregant Event Registration

Congregants can register for events online.

As a congregant who wants to register for an event, go to Events to view and filter all the upcoming church events and register online for any that you'd like to attend. When you register, you can select family members to attend with you, and if the event allows, also bring your own guests. Even after you've signed up for an event, you can edit your registration online to make the changes you need.

Paid Events

Sometimes your church hosts an event that requires a payment. On the events description page, you can view the cost of the event, if the event has a required deposit, and the methods of payment accepted. This page also indicates if there is a No Refund date.

Paid events may have more than one cost connected to a certain type of registrant. For example, a Youth Conference may have one price for adults and a lower price for the youth to attend.

If you make a partial payment when you register for an event, the remaining balance due displays on the event description page.