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Match a Named Guest to a Known Profile

You can match a guest registrant to an existing profile.

If an individual who already has a profile registers for an event as a guest, you can match that guest registration with their existing profile.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Registration Events > Upcoming.
  2. Click Individual Registrants.
  3. Guests are indicated by Guest Registration in the status column. You can also filter to view only guests. Click , then clear Yes under Has Profile?, and click Apply.
  4. Click next to the guest's name and select Match to Known Profile.
  5. Enter the profile name in the Match To text box, and select it from the drop-down list.
  6. If the guest entered an email address that does not match the contact email address on the known profile, you can select Update the profile's preferred contact email with this new email address. This will not change the email address the individual uses to sign in to Realm.
  7. Choose whether to re-send the confirmation email, then click Update.
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