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Customize the Event Confirmation Email

Write a customized email message to registrants.

Permissions Required

Only available to administrators and users who have the Manage Events permission.

When people register for an event, they receive a confirmation email that provides information about that event. You can customize the text sent in the confirmation email to better fit your event or to include additional information registrants might need.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Registration Events > Upcoming.
  2. Click +Add Event.
  3. Complete the fields. Fields with a red asterisk are required.
  4. To customize the text in the confirmation email, click Customize Confirmation Email.
  5. Enter your customized text in each text box. The Email Body text box allows for formatting such as bold, italics, lists and hyperlinks.
  6. If you need to change the text back to the default email message, click Reset to default content.
  7. After you've made all of your changes, click Save.