Need resources to help you close the year? Check out the Year-End Checklist for Giving to register for free live webinars and browse help guides.

Need resources to help you close the year? Check out the Year-End Checklist for Giving to register for free live webinars and browse help guides.

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A pledge is a gift that is applied to a campaign.

Realm tracks the progress each individual makes in meeting his or her pledges toward a campaign.

Contributors can see the status of their pledges on the Giving tab of their profile page. Suppose, for instance, you set up a campaign for the first half of the year for the Grounds fund. Its goal is to raise money toward a new, $4,000 church sign. A staff member sets up Cecilia Farrow's pledge to contribute $100 a month toward the new sign, making her total pledge for the campaign $600. When contributions from Cecilia to the Grounds fund between January and June are entered, they will automatically add to the $4,000 total goal set for the campaign.

Carl Jones, on the other hand, does not pledge money to the new sign, but does make contributions to the Grounds fund. His contributions are credited to the Grounds fund, but do not count toward the sign campaign total.

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