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In Memory / In Honor

Provide a way for contributors to give in memory or in honor of someone else.

While memos are great for noting one-time gifts that remember or honor a loved one, In Memory / In Honor entries organize dedicated gifts to a person or group.

Any active In Memory / In Honor entries display on giving forms, so contributors can dedicate a gift in memory or in honor of someone. Once you've set up your entries, add or edit a giving form to apply and organize them.

Add In Memory / In Honor

Add a way for contributors to give in memory or in honor of someone.

  • You must have the Manage Funds, Campaigns, Online Giving, and In Memory / In Honor permission to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > In Memory / In Honor.
  2. Click Add In Memory / In Honor.
  3. Enter a name and other necessary fields.
  4. Optional: Click Assign Contact to add the person responsible for sending letters of appreciation and other communication.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: In order for contributors to dedicate their gifts, you must apply and organize all active In Memory / In Honor entries within a giving form.

Edit or Delete In Memory / In Honor

Edit or delete a way for contributors to give in memory or in honor or someone.

  • You must have the Manage Funds, Campaigns, Online Giving, and In Memory / In Honor permission to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > In Memory / In Honor.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon beside what you want to manage and select one of the following:
    • Edit
    • Delete— You cannot delete if contributions have been given in memory or in honor. If you want it out of sight, edit it, and clear the Active checkbox.
  3. If you edit, make any necessary changes, and click Save. If you delete, click Delete again to confirm.
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