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Realm Text Messaging

Realm text messaging for communication.


New sign-ups for Realm texting are currently disabled.

We have extended our partnership with Constant Contact to provide a SMS texting solution as an option for Realm. Click for more information.

You can export your existing Realm texting opt-in records to import into Constant Contact.

Opting In to Text Messages

Before you can text an individual in any way - including group, volunteer, or one-way texts - they must opt in by filling out a consent form.

Individuals can access this form from an opt-in email. To send this email, click Send Opt-In Email on the Text Messaging Settings page to email a link to the consent form. You can also click Send Opt-In Email in the Text Messaging section of an individual's profile page to send the email to just one person.

Individuals can also text START to your Realm texting number to opt into texting without filling out the consent form.

Once opted in, all individuals with a valid number on their profile can receive text messages. If the number listed on their profile is associated with a landline and not a cell phone, you cannot send a text to it.

Individuals can choose to opt out of text messages at any time. However, if an individual replies with STOP to any text they receive, this will opt them out of all Realm text notifications. If the individual has opted out, the only way to opt this individual back in is for them to send the word START to your text number.

Individuals can log in to Realm and enable text messaging for groups from their inbox notifications preferences.

Note: Every 30 days, individuals will receive an opt out option included with a text message.

Texting Number

Text messages are sent from a mobile number that is assigned to each church.

When assigning a number, we first attempt to provide a number in your area code. However, sometimes an area code or state doesn't have available numbers, and we must assign a random number.

We attempt to assign a number based on numbers available in the following order:

  1. First from your area or exchange (based on your primary church number)
  2. Then from your area code using your zip code
  3. Then from your area code using your state
  4. Then from your state using a random area code
  5. If none of the above are available, we assign a random number from anywhere in the US

If the church cancels the texting plan, the assigned number will be released. A new number will be assigned if the church decides to re-subscribe to a texting plan.

Who Can Send Texts

One-way texts are only sent to individuals by administrators and permitted users with responsibilities.

Connect Inbox texts notify individuals that the group or team leader has sent a message to their Realm Inbox. Texts are only sent to group members or volunteers when a group leader sends an Inbox message.

Realm can also send system-generated texts to volunteers, such as notifications for assignments and serving reminders.

Group participants and volunteers can't send texts to each other.

How Connect Inbox Texts Work

When a group or team leader creates an Inbox message, this sends a text that, by default, includes the message’s subject and a custom link if you've provided it. All texts also automatically include the name of the group or team and the individual sending the text. This counts as part of the character limit.

Each text message can have a total of 320 characters. The exception is if you enter unicode characters in the text message, which will limit the text to a total of 140 characters.

If the group or team leader enables replies for the Inbox message, individuals can log in to Realm to reply to it.

What Counts Towards the Monthly Text Limit

Each text sent to an individual counts towards the monthly text limit. For example, if you send a one-way text, and 25 people receive it, this counts as 25 texts. If 5 of those texts are undeliverable, this still counts as 25 texts.

If a text is longer than 320 characters, the text is truncated and no additional texts are sent.

If you exceed the monthly text limit, there is an overage fee for each text you send until the end of the billing period.

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