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View Email History

See a history of emails sent.

You can view information about emails you have sent from Realm. Email details include when the email was sent, where the email was sent from, the content of the email, and statistics about who did and did not receive the email.

If you need to find a specific email, you can filter the history list by date, where the email was sent from, or words that are in the email's subject line.

Email history is saved for one year while statistics and email attachments are saved for one month. If you need to save an email for a longer period of time, you can archive it.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Communications > My Communications.
  2. Click the subject of the email to view statistics, content and information about an email.
  3. To find a specific email, click the filter button and select or enter your filter settings. Then, click Filter.