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Export Summary Reports to Excel or OpenOffice

You can export the Balance Sheet and Income Statement to an .xls file, which can then be opened in Excel or OpenOffice. There are several ways of exporting, and it may vary based on the version of Excel or OpenOffice you're using. These steps provide the recommended way that produces the best looking file.
Tip: If you're seeing a lot of spacing between columns when you export, this should help!
  1. On the Transactions tab, click Accounting Overview. Then, click either Stmt. of Financial Pos. or Stmt. of Activity depending on what you want to export.
  2. Click Print.
  3. In the Print dialog box, select Print to File.
  4. For Type, select [Old] - Excel Document. (This will work for both Excel and OpenOffice.)
  5. Select Show advanced dialog.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Excel Export Setup dialog box, click the Formatting tab.
  8. For Column Spacing, select No Blank.

    Excel Export Setup dialog box showing the Formatting tab with the Column Spacing option set as No Blank

  9. Click OK.

Your summary report opens in your default program, either Excel or OpenOffice. You can adjust column widths as needed.

If you'd prefer a little more spacing, you can follow the same steps and select a different Column Spacing option, such as One Blank.

Here's an idea of what the files look like with the Column Spacing set to No Blank.

Balance SheetIncome Statement
Example of the Balance Sheet in Excel with tight column spacingExample of the Income Statement in Excel with tight column spacing