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Sync Changes from the App

You can synchronize the changes that catechists made online.
CAUTION: Only do this if you've previously uploaded data to the app. If you haven't uploaded catechist login credentials or class information, see Upload Catechist and Class Information.
  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Data Synchronization > Upload Catechists and Class Information.
  2. Select the second option, and click Next.
  3. If there are new changes, a message displays in red at the top.
    1. If there is new student attendance, accept or reject each change in the grid.
    2. If catechists added new attendance reasons online, accept or reject each reason in the grid.
  4. When you're ready to synchronize the online changes in PDS, click Sync.
  5. Once the information is synced, click Yes to upload additional data or click No if you're finished.