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Vanco Integration

Integrate with Vanco to use its giving features in the PocketPlatform app.

You can provide a seamless transition from several screens in your app to Vanco. To do this, you just need to add the Vanco Campaign ID to the Program record. Once you set the fund, its Statement Title displays in the Designation drop-down list in Vanco.

Note: For information on the Platform integration, see Vanco. Also see the Vanco website.

How It Works

When individuals click Give in the app menu, they stay in the app and see the available options. They can select the designation or fund to give to, and enter the amount (at least $3.00). Then they click Give to enter their payment information on the vendor's website. Once the transaction is complete, they'll see a confirmation message and be directed back into the app where they left off.

Image displaying a Giving page in the PocketPlatform app. There is a Choose an option drop-down list, the dollar amount on the right, and the blue Give button under those options.

Find a Vanco Campaign ID

  1. Log in to MyVanco using your email address as the Username.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Tiles.
  3. In the list, locate the Tile of the fund you want.
  4. Click the ellipsis at the end of that fund's row, and select Edit tile.
  5. Look at the URL in your browser's search bar. The Campaign ID for this fund is at the end, after "campaign/".
  6. Take note of the Campaign ID.

Repeat these steps for each fund you plan to set up.

Set Up Funds

  1. Log in to MinistryPlatform.
  2. Go to Programs, and locate the Program record you want to display as a designation in the app.
  3. Open the record, and locate the Stewardship Information section.
  4. Enter the Vanco Campaign ID associated with this Program.
    Tip: This is a good time to check that the Statement Title is entered the way you want it to display in the app.
  5. Click Save.

The fund displays (using the Statement Title value) in the Designation drop-down list in PocketPlatform. When the individual is directed to the Vanco website, the Vanco fund will be selected.

Organizing Funds

By default, your app displays all Programs that have a value in the Vanco Campaign ID field. These Programs show in ascending order, sorted first by Online Sort Order then by Statement Title. (Statement Title is used because it is typically the most friendly name for the fund.)

  • If you don't enter an Online Sort Order on any Program records, they're sorted alphabetically by Statement Title in the app.
  • If you enter an Online Sort Order for some but not others, the funds without a value are sorted alphabetically before the ones with a value.

Here's an example to show this information in action. Let's say you have the following Program records:

Program IDProgram NameStatement TitleOnline Sort OrderVanco Campaign ID
1TithesChurch Tithes1ABC-123
2Special OfferingYour Offering---DEF-456
3MissionsGlobal Missions3GHI-789
4Building FundSanctuary Fund2---
Your app would display:
  • Your Offering
  • Church Tithes
  • Benevolence
  • Global Missions
If you decide to add an Online Sort Order of "4" to the Special Offering Program record, then your app would display:
  • Church Tithes
  • Benevolence
  • Global Missions
  • Your Offering

Remove Funds

You can remove a fund from being visible in the app.

  1. Log in to MinistryPlatform.
  2. Go to Programs, and locate the associated Program record.
  3. Open the record.
  4. Locate the Vanco Campaign ID, and clear the field.
  5. Click Save.

This fund no longer displays in the Designation drop-down list in PocketPlatform.