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MP eGiving Integration for PocketPlatform

Integrate with MP eGiving to use its giving features in the PocketPlatform app.

  • MP eGiving uses donor matching so you don't have as many default contacts.
  • Donations are sent to MinistryPlatform in real time!
  • Manage event transactions more efficiently. See when a payment or donation isn't synced with the Platform and have the opportunity to resync it.
  • Transition donors to the new giving solution with a built-in migration tool.
  • Donors can set up recurring gifts, manage payment methods, and view their giving history in real time! Their MP eGiving login is the same as their MinistryPlatform User account!
  • Congregants can pay for registration events that you've set up in the Platform.

You can provide a seamless transition from several screens in your app to MP eGiving. As soon as you set up the Platform integration, it's ready to use in your app! If you'd like to customize the message that displays before users are sent to MP eGiving in their browser, contact Support.

How It Works

Once you set up MP eGiving, individuals can click Give in your navigation menu. If they're logged in to PocketPlatform, they're automatically logged in to MP eGiving and will see information on how to proceed. When they're ready, they're taken to their browser, where they're prompted to verify their information via mobile number. If the user doesn't have a mobile number, they can verify via email. Individuals who are logged in as guests are taken straight to the giving form without having to log in. Then, the individual can complete the donation on the MP eGiving site.

Authenticated UserGuestMP eGiving
Example of the message a logged-in user sees on the Giving screen in the appExample of the message a guest users sees on the Giving screen in the appExample of what MP eGiving looks like in the user's browser
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