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View Journeys and Milestones

There are many options for viewing and reporting on Milestones and Journeys.

View Milestones Assigned by Search

You can search for who has which Milestone assigned by either:

  • Milestones page > open the Milestone record > search on the Participants tab

  • People Lists > Milestones Assigned page

View Milestones Assigned by View

The Milestones Assigned page is a great place to create custom views. Additionally, there are several built-in views on this page to help you determine what action needs to be taken.

  • At Prior Church
  • By Person
  • Follow-Up: All
  • Follow-Up: COMPLETE
  • Follow-Up: REPEAT
  • Last 30 Days
  • Next Milestone Needed
  • Waiting On Me
  • YTD Not at Prior Church

Once you determine the records to take action on, you can use any of the common Selected Contact reports (e.g., labels, mail merge) and other tools (New Message Tool) to quickly communicate to people in the Journey process.

View Milestones Assigned by Report

Various Journey/Milestone-related reports are available on several pages of the Platform.

Milestones and Journeys Pages
  • Journey Participants: See everyone involved in a Journey and the Milestones they have accomplished.
  • Milestones Summary: Review a count of Milestones accomplished by year and month.
  • Milestones Summary by Ministry: Review a count of Milestones accomplished between two dates. Results are broken down by Ministry.
  • Milestones By Week: A graphical and numerical summary of Milestones grouped by year and week. This report has multiple pages.
  • Selected Milestones Summary: Available only on the Milestones page, this report is similar to the Milestones Summary except that it includes results for selected Milestones only.
Milestones Assigned Page
  • The reports available on the Milestones page may be visible on this page.
  • Selected Milestone Letter: Quickly print a letter in follow-up to a Milestone Assigned. The letter is addressed to the person who accomplished the Milestone. The letter's text comes from the "Letter Body" and "Letter From" fields on the Milestone record.
Contacts and Participants Pages
  • Selected Contact Journeys: Use this report on any page where Contacts are listed to see whether they are on specific Journeys and to determine how they are doing those Journeys.

View Milestones Assigned by Process

You can set up a process to assign a task or send a message when a certain milestone is assigned to someone.