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Create a Milestone

Before you create a Milestone, it's important to note the following:
  • Milestones should not be Congregation-specific. Milestones should generally be thought of as important accomplishments that apply to anyone participating at the church, regardless of Congregation. When you assign a Milestone to a Participant, you can indicate the Program and Event they were participating in when they accomplished the Milestone. The Congregation where the Milestone occurred is inferred from the Program or Event.

  • Milestones may be Ministry-specific. This may be helpful if one Ministry is responsible for assigning the Milestone and following-up with those who accomplish it. Often, an entire Journey is managed by a single Ministry.
  1. You have two options for where to create a new Milestone; either:
    • Go to Milestones, and click New.
    • Go to Church Structure > Journeys, open the relevant Journey, click the Milestones tab, and click New.
  2. Complete the Milestone fields:
    • Sort Order: The order this Milestone should display in relation to other Milestones in this Journey. Reports take this sort order into account.
    • Discontinued: If Yes, this Milestone can no longer be assigned.
    • On Connection Card: If Yes, this Milestone displays in the Connection Card Tool.
  3. Click Save.

Milestone Fields

Milestone Title
The name of the accomplishment logged for participants/members at your church.
A detailed explanation of the accomplishment. This should include what it means and who is encouraged to pursue this step.
The journey that contains this milestone. This is the collection of milestones that are related to the same ministry process, like assimilation or spiritual development.
Next Milestone
The milestone that an individual should strive to accomplish after accomplishing this milestone.
Follow Up Notes
Any actions that your staff should take to follow up with individuals who accomplish this milestone.
Letter Body and Letter From
Add a paragraph and closing for the letter that may be sent to individuals who accomplish this milestone. This text displays in the Selected Milestone Letter report, available on the Milestones Assigned page.
Sort Order
The order this milestone should display in relation to other milestones in the same journey. Reports and views take this sort order into account.
Default is No. Set to Yes if this milestone is no longer actively used and should not be assigned.
On Connection Card
Default is No. Set to Yes if this milestone can be assigned using the Connection Card tool. This would allow volunteers to perform data entry following a worship service.
The icon that displays for this milestone.