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Assign Milestones

Assign a Milestone to one Participant or several Participants at once.

There are several ways to assign a Milestone to Participants. Select the best option for where you are in the Platform and what you can do with your Security Role.

Assign a Milestone to One Participant

  1. You can assign Milestones in several places:
    • Go to the Participants page, open the Participant record, and click the Milestones tab.
    • Go to the People Lists page, and open the Milestones Assigned record.
    • Go to the Milestones page, open the Milestone record, and click the Participants tab.
  2. Click New Milestone.
  3. Enter the Milestone information.
  4. Click Save.

Assign a Milestone to Several Participants

  1. If needed, create a selection of Participants.
  2. Go to Milestones, and open the Milestone record.
  3. Click the Participants tab.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Add Participants.
  5. Select the participants or your selection from the drop-down list.
  6. Enter the milestone information.
  7. Click Add.

Milestones Assigned Fields

When you assign a Milestone to a Participant, you create a Milestones Assigned record. Here is a reference guide for the fields you'll find when you create a Milestones Assigned record, including those with a Catholic system.

Note: These fields may vary slightly depending on if you assign a Milestone from the Milestones page or the People Lists > Milestones Assigned page.
The person who completed the Milestone.
The Milestone that this person completed.
The ongoing church activity that the person engaged in when they completed this Milestone. For example, "Campus A Worship Service".
Date Accomplished
The date when they completed this Milestone.
The event where or when this Milestone took place.
The person who was present when the individual completed this Milestone.
At Prior Church
Default is No. Set to Yes if this Milestone pre-dates this person's involvement with your church.
Any additional notes you want to include on this record.
Followed Up
Set as needed based on whether someone on staff follows up with this person.
Discontinue Journey
Default is No. Set to Yes if this person won't complete other Milestones in this Journey.

If you have a Catholic system, you can add sacramental information to the Milestone. In non-Catholic systems, Field Management hides these fields.

Scripture on Certificate
Optional scripture to include on the Certificate.
Show on Certificate
Default is No. Set to Yes to display this Milestone on the Certificate.
Certificate Person Label
Preferred label.
thumb_upYes thumb_downNo