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Prepare Your Data for Bulk Mailing

Preparing your data for bulk mailing in MinistryPlatform by asking yourself a few questions first.

A. Who will receive the mailing?

This could be Members, Regular Attenders, Guests, or based on some other criteria. Consult with the party requesting the mailing to determine how to generate the list.

B. Will we personalize the mailings?

If the mailing is the same for everyone, the only data you must generate is the mailing list. If the mailings are personalized, you must generate the mailing itself in addition to or in conjunction with the mailing list.

C. How do I get the correct data from MinistryPlatform?

Determine the best way to get this particular list or mailing. Here are possible answers.

Mailing Lists:

  • View or Selection Export
  • Standard Reports
  • Custom Reports

Personalized Mailings:

  • Standard Report
  • Letters (Reports)
  • Custom Reports