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Set Individual Travel Dates for an Event

  • You must be a Go Method admin or a trip leader to do this.
When creating an event, you can specify a custom date range per participant. For example, two agricultural experts want to attend a mission trip, but neither can commit to the full month. These experts could split a single, month-long mission trip and attend two weeks each. Use the Individual Travel Dates option to register just for the time period the expert can go. This option helps eliminate the need to create multiple mission trips within Go Method to accommodate these situations. Travel dates for each participant are included in the trip roster.
Note: You can't set individual travel dates for a trip that also has multiple locations.
  1. In the Event Information section of creating a new event, find the Event Dates field.
  2. Click the Individual Travel Dates for Participants check box.
  3. Enter a description for the travel dates in the description box.
    The Travel Dates, Registration Dates, and Travel Dates Description fields. The Individual Travel Dates for Participants check box, located under the Travel Dates fields, is checked.
  4. Complete the event creation process.
Your participants can now register to attend for either the whole event or for a portion of the event.