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Processing Costs

Present the option for contributors to help offset processing costs.

Processing costs are behind-the-scenes payments that go hand-in-hand with online giving. When contributors help offset these costs, you're able to put more of your money into your ministry.

Giving extra is optional to contributors, and the amount they give towards processing costs is based on a percentage you set up. They get full credit for the amount they give, and any additional payments will be tracked by a fund that's automatically created as soon as you allow contributors to offset processing costs.

This is not an automatic payment to Vanco. Additional contributions toward processing costs go into the bank account you set to receive them.

If you ever disallow contributors to help offset processing costs, your Processing Costs fund will be deleted automatically. Any processed gifts that include the additional cost will still show as a split gift in your batches. However, this will remove processing costs from any recurring gifts made after the disallowance.

Allow Contributors to Help Offset Processing Costs

Give contributors the option to offset our payment partner's processing costs. The additional cost is determined by the percentage you set up.

  • You must be an administrator to perform this task. See Responsibilities for more information.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Settings.
  2. On the Online Giving tab, select Allow contributors to help offset processing costs.
  3. Complete the fields for your Processing Costs fund. This fund will track any processing costs your contributors give to. You can edit this like any other fund, but you cannot delete it.
  4. Enter the increase to each contribution type. This percentage can be 0% or any number between 1% and 4% and can be different per contribution type.
  5. Click Save.
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