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Online Giving Field Descriptions

Learn more about the terms you'll see while you set up online giving.

We accept
This lists the payment options selected on the merchant account application.
  • Credit allows your contributors to use credit and debit cards.
  • Debit allows your contributors to only use debit cards.
  • ACH allows your contributors to donate directly from a checking or savings account. (U.S. only)

Approved Canadian credit cards:

  • Visa based BIN (first number is a 4).
  • MasterCard based BIN (first number is a 5).
Approved Online Giving Funds
Only the funds you select will be options for online contributors. When your members give online, they will see the display name for funds. If the display name is blank, the fund name displays.
Visible to contributors
To determine if online giving is visible on your site, select Yes or No.

If visibility is turned off, no one can give online from their profiles or the online giving links on your website. Once you make online giving visible again, contributors can resume giving from their profiles, and links to your giving forms will reopen.

Allow admin giving
With permission, this option grants an administrator access to give on a contributor's behalf. This could increase the scope of your PCI responsibilities. Learn more about what this means.
Processing costs
This allows online contributors to help offset processing costs.

A fund that you can edit is automatically created to track these costs. The percentages you set determine how much extra contributors will give. For example, if you set the percentage to 3%, a contributor who gives $100 to a fund can give an additional $3 towards processing costs.

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