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Back Up Your Data Automatically

Before you set up automatic backups, you must:
  • Install PDS on the computer or server that stores the data.
  • Make sure that the computer or server is powered on at the time when the automatic backup is scheduled to run.
  • Close all PDS programs installed on other computers.
  • Enter your email address in the License Information window. If the program can't complete the automatic backup process, you receive an email notification.
  • Optional: Set up a Windows® scheduled task to run your backups after hours.
With the Automatic Backup feature, you can set your PDS program to automatically perform backups on selected days.
Tip: If you use OnDemand, your backups are automatically made each night and stored on the OnDemand server, so you do not need to schedule automatic backups.
CAUTION: The Automatic Backup feature is not a substitute for manual backups. We recommend creating manual backup files of your data regularly.
  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Backup / Restore > Backup Options.
  2. Select the day(s) of the week that you want an automatic backup to run.
  3. To select the internal archive folder where you store the automatic backup, click Browse. To use the default backup folder, leave this field blank.
  4. If your internal archive folder is on another computer, enter the UNC reference to it.
    Note: This prevents problems for multiple workstations using different drive letters to access the shared folder. For example, enter \\ServerName\ShareName instead of F:\Backup.
  5. Select a level of protection for your internal archive files. For more about these options, see "Backup Options".
  6. Click Close. Your options are saved.

Backup Options

You can select a level of protection for your internal archive files.

The Minimum Option

If you select the Minimum option, one backup file is stored in each internal archive folder.

Folder NameMinimum Number of Backup Files in Each FolderAmount of Time Before Backup is Discarded or Moved
Weekly1 backup file7 days
Monthly1 backup file30 days
Quarterly1 backup file90 days
Yearly1 backup file365 days

The Moderate Option

If you select the Moderate option, several backup files are stored in each internal archive folder.

Folder NameMinimum Number of Backup Files in Each FolderAmount of Time Before Backup is Discarded or Moved
Weekly5 backup files21 days
Monthly2 backup files60 days
Quarterly3 backup files270 days
Yearly3 backup files1,095 days

The Maximum Option

If you select the Maximum option, the maximum number of backup files are stored in each internal archive folder.

Folder NameMinimum Number of Backup Files in Each FolderAmount of Time Before Backup is Discarded or Moved
Weekly10 backup files28 days
Monthly4 backup files90 days
Quarterly6 backup files360 days
Yearly7 backup files2,555 days
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