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Move Archived Files to Another Computer

You must enter your registration code in the PDS program on the new computer.

You can move the active data file and the internal archive data from your hard drive to another computer.
Note: How is this different from a backup? A backup is a like a snapshot at a specific point in time. When you restore a backup to a new computer, it restores the data exactly as it was when that snapshot was taken. However, normal backups don't restore any history of what was stored in the archive folders (Backup\Week, \Month, \Quarter, and \Year), so a normal restore doesn't recover any older backups. The Move to Another Computer process restores not only the data, but the old backups in the archive folders as well.
  1. On the old computer, save the archive files. These are the files you will move to the new computer.
    1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Backup / Restore > Move to Another Computer.
    2. Select an archive method.
    3. Select or enter the drive or folder where you want to save your archive files.
    4. Click Save Archive Files to Disk.
  2. Set up the new computer.
    1. Install the PDS program.
    2. When you run PDS for the first time, the Registration/System Information Wizard displays. Select New User to create an empty data file.
  3. On the new computer, load the archive files.
    1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Backup / Restore > Move to Another Computer.
    2. Select an archive method.
    3. Select or enter the drive or folder where you want to load your archive files from.
    4. Click Load Archive Files From Disk.

All of the internal archive files from the backup drive are decompressed, and the current data is restored.

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