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Restore Data From a Prior Backup

Note: If you use OnDemand and need to restore a previous backup, contact PDS Support at 1-877-737-4457.
Note: You cannot restore a backup directly from read-only media like CD-ROM disks. To restore data included on read-only media, you must copy the file to a rewritable drive, then clear the Read-only option in the Windows® file properties dialog box.
With the Restore Data process, you can:
  • Restore data from a backup file. For example, if you enter a large amount of incorrect data, you can restore a previous version of the data to remove that data.
  • Move data to a newly purchased computer.
  • Replace files lost due to hard drive failure or file damage.
CAUTION: When you restore from a backup, you overwrite data entered after the backup was created.
  1. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Backup / Restore > Restore Data.
  2. Make your selections, and click Next.
  3. Optional: If needed, you can select advanced restore options. In the Advanced Restore Options window, select the individual files you want to restore. If you select a .db file, any other files that share the file name are automatically selected.
    Warning: Do not use Advanced Restore Options unless you understand the database. If you restore an incorrect set of files, use the PDS Rescue program to restore all your files.
  4. When you're ready, click Start Restore.
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