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Send Predefined Reports

Make sure you've set up your email server. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Email & Text Setup.

There are several ways to send documents to recipients, depending on your needs. If the document you need to send is a predefined PDS report, you can email it to one or more people. One example is the Quick Communication Permission Form.

Note: Make sure all recipients have an email address listed on their record.
  1. In the Reports window, locate the document that fits your needs, and proceed through the Reports wizard.
  2. When selecting the families or individuals to include, on the Selection Information tab, select Email the Letter If.
    1. To send to only those whose email address is marked as Pref., select Preferred is Checked.
    2. To send to those who have an email address entered in their record, select Has an Email Addr.
    3. To send the document to all email addresses listed on the record, select Send to Multiple Emails.
  3. Click Preview. If any records are missing email addresses, the document will be printed instead. Click OK. If needed, click Next in the preview window.
  4. Complete the information on the Email Message tab.
    1. In the From field, enter the name you want the recipient to see when they receive the email, such as "St. Mary's Church" or "Father Lawrence".
    2. Enter the From Email Address that displays as where the email is being sent from. This is usually your email address.
    3. If you want recipient replies to be directed to a different address, enter a Reply Email Address. For example, you may want completed forms to be returned to your office administrator. Otherwise, you can enter the same email as the From Email Address.
    4. Edit the subject line, if needed.
    5. To include additional attachments, click Add File, at the bottom, select the attachment you want to send, and click Open.
  5. Select the type of email you want to send based on your needs. For more on these options, see Email Letters and Statements.
    Tip: If the document you're sending is the form that needs to be filled out, we recommend selecting Email as PDF document attachment. That way, recipients can use the Fill & Sign feature in Adobe Acrobat Reader to digitally fill out the form and return it to you. Or, they can easily print it, fill it out, and scan a copy to return to you.
  6. Enter a message to briefly explain the reason for this email. Don't forget to mention any attachments and instruct the recipient on how to return the completed copy back to you.
  7. When you're ready, click Start Email.
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