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Send an Attachment to a Family or Individual

Make sure you've set up your email server. On the File menu in your PDS program, click Setup > Email & Text Setup.

There are several ways to send documents to recipients, depending on your needs. If you have a digital copy of your form already, and you simply want to email it as an attachment to someone, you can do so from the Overview.

Use the Simple Email dialog box to send an attachment along with a quick email introduction.

example showing the Simple Email dialog box with a sample message


PDS can send most document and image file types, including .doc, .txt, .rtf, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, and .png.

This uses your Email & Text Setup selections. To email directly from the PDS program, select Use the Simple Email dialog in the Email Server Setup window.

  1. Locate the record of the family or individual.
  2. In the Overview window, click the email icon yellow envelope beside the email address you want to send the document to.
  3. If you're set up to use the default email program, such as Gmail or Outlook, your program opens.
    1. Use the attachment feature in your program to upload the file(s) to the email.
      Tip: Some email programs allow you to send confidential or private messages and attachments. Check out the help documentation for your program to find out how.
  4. If you're set up to use the Simple Email dialog box, it opens.
    1. You can enter email addresses in the CC or BCC fields if you need to copy someone else.
    2. In the From Name field, enter the name you want the recipient to see when they receive the email, such as "St. Mary's Church" or "Father Lawrence".
    3. Enter the From Address that displays as where the email is being sent from. This is usually your email address.
    4. If you want recipient replies to be directed to a different address, enter a Reply Email Address. Otherwise, enter the same email as the From Address.
    5. Enter a subject and message to briefly explain the reason for this email. Don't forget to mention the attachment and instruct the recipient on how to return the completed copy back to you.
    6. At the bottom, click Add File, select the attachment you want to send, and click Open.
  5. When you're ready, send the email.
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