Record a Contribution
Note: If you want to post contributions for multiple records, you should use quick postings.
- Locate the appropriate record.
- In the navigation pane, click Rates/History/Keywds.
- Click the button beside Funds Used, and select the fund.
- If the fund you want isn't in the list, click Add Fund at the top, and select the fund.
- Enter the information associated with the contribution in the bottom grid.
- Select up to four keywords associated with this fund.
- Click Fund Comment to add any notes about this fund. For example, if a family is unable to complete their pledge due to a death in the family, you can note that on their record. An asterisk (*) displays on the button to indicate that a comment has been entered.
- In the grid at the bottom, each posting entry displays in date order. Click the add icon
to add postings directly to the grid. Click Write Off to post an amount to a fund when the amount is considered uncollectible. To do this, you must first add a Write-Off activity to this fund in the Fund Activities window.
- If you need to set up a recurring charge term and rate for this fund, click Show Rates then click the add icon
- Recurring Act—Charge activity used to post the amounts due.
- Terms—Length of time that the family, member, or institution plans to make payments. For example: weekly, monthly, or annually.
- Billing Period—Length of time that the family, member, or institution is pledging for. This must be equal to or shorter than the fund period.
- Rate—Amount the family, member, or institution pledges each term. For example, $50 per month. If you enter the Term, Billing Period, and Total, this field is automatically calculated.
- Total—Total that the family, member, or institution pledges for the fund period. If you enter the Term, Billing Period, and Rate, this field is automatically calculated.
- Associate with Member—Designate which member is responsible for this term and rate.
- Using eGiving (EFT)—Indicate the family wants this pledge payment automatically drafted from their checking or savings account. Click EFT Info to enter account information.
- At the top, click Save.